I am going to share how I started at an early age designing wedding dresses and how I came to understand everything about brides, their dresses and everything else. I will share my process and how I design and develop each dress and how they find their way to the right shoppes and brides. And I am open to questions about searching for and ultimately buying your dress!
So why am I doing this?
Well, two weeks ago, a bride came into my studio with her Mom and Sister. They didn’t have an appointment, and I was closing. So, I let them come in. They were all harried, irate and not in a good frame of mind. I decided there and then that I would give them a standard appointment but there was no way I was going to let her buy a dress that evening.
As the appointment progressed and she tried several dresses on, I discovered I was the 8th salon she was visiting, along with so much information from the other salons, social media and friends (They can make these situations really bad). They ranted on about how much stress this wedding was causing.
So after about 45 minutes, I put my hand out and said “Enough! No more dresses because you will never the right dress in this frame of mind!” So, I called out for pastries and coffee. At 7pm!
Finally, an hour later, I had calmed them all down and imparted only a few words of wisdom.
“Don’t lose the joy of you journey to marriage. Don’t think you need everyone’s opinion to make a choice and decision. You don’t! Don’t plan your wedding to purely impress others versus doing what makes you happy. And as for the dress, well, it’s just that! A dress! Buy what you inwardly feel good in, and make sure you wear the dress and that it doesn’t wear you. This is a special time in your life that hopefully you will never have to do again, so RELAX and ENJOY!”
Two weeks later she came back and bought her dress! As a designer and stylist, I gave her the thumbs up in terms of it suited her and budget and she was genuinely happy. She promised me she was taking the same strides in all other areas of the wedding!!
So Brides, sometimes we just need a croissant, Starbucks latte and someone to remind us what we simply need to be reminded of!